Alice Lunardon
Alice Lunardon
Master Student
International Development, Other
Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGs | Monitoring & review processes | Social awareness & behaviour change | Regional--national & local policies | Engagement with business & non-state actors | Multilateral Governance | Financing the SDGsExternal Initiatives:
The Sustainable City PromoterPublications:
The Sustainable City Promoter
Esther May
Esther May
Research Assistant, Master Student
International Development
All SDGsTopics:
Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGs | Engagement with business & non-state actors | Multilateral Governance | Financing the SDGs | Monitoring & review processesEvents:
What Does the New Development Agenda Mean for Women and Girls? | Introducing the Graduate Institute’s SDG PortalResearch:
Multinational corporations as partners for SDG implementation: evolution from ‘doing no harm’ to ‘doing good’ | Private Sector Contribution to SDG 16 Implementation & Peacebuilding in Fragile StatesExternal Initiatives:
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
John Meylan
Tom Moerenhout
Tom Moerenhout
PhD Student
Political Science / International Relations, International Law
Energy subsidy reform
Somabha (Sobhi) Mohanty
Somabha (Sobhi) Mohanty
PhD Student
Political Science / International Relations
Democratizing urban local government
Nathalie Monnet
Stephanie Perazzone
Stephanie Perazzone
PhD Student
Political Science / International Relations
Mauricio Pinzon
Dario Piselli
Dario Piselli
PhD Student
International Law, Political Science / International Relations
All SDGsTopics:
Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGs | Multilateral Governance | Regional--national & local policies | Engagement with business & non-state actors | Financing the SDGs | Monitoring & review processesEvents:
The Private Sector and Sustainability: A New Way Forward? | Effectiveness of Partnerships for Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals | Are Global Partnerships Effective in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals? | Book launch: Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global GovernanceExternal Initiatives:
UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – YouthNews:
Book Launch: ‘Narratives of Hunger in International Law’ | EU Biodiversity Law and its Health Impact | The global economic system and access and allocation in earth system governance | Are global partnerships effective in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals? | Leave the dead (trees) alone? Revisiting the ongoing controversy over the Białowieża forest | Planetary Boundaries and Regime Interaction in International Law | Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global Governance | The ecosystem approach and the barrier of state sovereignty in environmental treatiesPublications:
The Sustainable Development Goals and International Environmental Law: Normative Value and Challenges for Implementation | Review of Governing Through Goals: SDGs as Governance Innovation, edited by Norichika Kanie and Frank Biermann | UNFCCC Nationally Determined Contributions: Climate Change and Trade | Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-Sharing | ‘EU Biodiversity Law and Its Health Impacts’ in Stefania Negri (ed) Environmental Health in International and EU Law | The Role of Youth in Achieving the SDGs: Supporting Youth-led Innovation for Sustainable Food Systems | Gridlock, Innovation and Resilience in Global Health Governance | The role of youth in achieving the SDGs supporting youth-led solutions for sustainable food systems | Out of Gridlock…and Back? Global Health Governance in the Age of COVID-19Research:
Operationalizing the Notion of Ecosystem Approach in International Law in the Age of Planetary Boundaries | How to Break the Gridlock in Global Health Governance | Effectiveness of Partnerships for Advancing the SDG: Behavioural Pathways and ImpactsExternal Initiatives:
Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Marissa Pledger
Marissa Pledger
Master Student
International Development