Faculty, researchers and students get involved in a number of external initiatives based in International Geneva and broader international academic and policy circles. These include partnerships, networks, consultancies and student internships with International Organisations, civil society, business, academic institutions, think tanks, governments, among others.

Executive Education IHEID
Our participants in degree programmes can combine learning blocks at their own pace, starting with a short Executive Certificate, up to a 60 ECTS Master of Advanced Studies in International Strategy & Leadership.
All courses and programmes aim to help participants develop a future-ready mind-set and a visionary, empathetic and adaptive leadership style.
ISA Global South Caucus UN-75 Partnership
The ISA and its Global South Caucus are pleased to announce their partnership with UN75 to host a high-level Dialogue to commemorate the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations.
The general goal of this ISA-UN75 online Dialogue is to reflect on the 75th anniversary and the Political Declaration. More specifically, we want to provide a space for a fruitful conversation between scholars and practitioners on the future of multilateral diplomacy. Thus, the topic of our online conversation is the Contribution of the Global South to the Future of Multilateralism.
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From Science To Practice: Research And Knowledge To Achieve The SDGs
Geneva is a thriving ecosystem home to a world-class concentration of academic institutes, think tanks, NGOs and international organizations conducting groundbreaking policy-relevant research. Following a series of events exploring how science can be translated into policy and action, a consortium of Geneva-based institutions is creating a new channel through which research and knowledge from International Geneva can amplify its impact on global policy making. By participating in this project, the evidence you create can directly reach governments and policy makers at the High-Level Political Forum in New York (or HLPF, the main UN body reviewing progress on the SDGs), influencing critical political decision-making processes.
The evidence box
Grouping these SDGs into three entry points previously defined by the Independent Group of Scientists in their 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report, The Future is Now: Science for Achieving Sustainable Development, we are asking you to submit your research to our evidence box, choosing one of the three entry points.

The Sustainable City Promoter
I lead an initiative at the European level, called the “Sustainable City Promoter”, about railway stations and their link with the city. Based on an innovative concept for sustainable train stations I’ve developed, it gives stations a new role of urban elements and city’s infrastructures with the potential of addressing climate change, social and economic issues, becoming in this way the catalysers of Sustainable, Smart and Inclusive cities.
The work I’m carrying out is to develop a collaborative, European-wide common methodology and business models for the design, construction, maintenance and management of railway stations as socio-technical systems operating simultaneously: as a city’s technical ‘greening engine’ for the surrounding environment and as new urban element aggregating multiple services fully integrated with energy-efficient and socially inclusive mobility. There are some Railway Companies of European Countries involved in this initiative, and also Cities institutions. Moreover, our goal is to work with the EU Institutions and other EU-Funded projects.
Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGsAl-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network
Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGs
Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation
As an intern for the Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation, I work in a number of different capacities. Over the summer, I organized, coordinated and executed an exhibition, here in Geneva, that featured artwork done by survivors of sexual violence in conflict. Survivors from around the world attended the exhibition, performed, and spoke about the dire need for systemic societal change in order to end the use of rape as a weapon of war.
I am currently working with our team in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to collate and edit a handbook that details and promotes a holistic approach to care for survivors. This handbook is intended to be distributed to different conflict and post-conflict zones around the world where it can inform medical, psychological, legal and socioeconomic actors about the benefits and needs for providing a range of care options to survivors.
I have been with the Mukwege Foundation for almost a year now, and continue to be both challenged by and committed to the diverse projects to which I am asked to contribute.

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth
SDSN Youth is the global youth chapter of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, launched in 2012 by Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and directed by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. With a global team of over 100 students and young professionals, and a membership base of 300+ organisations, SDSN Youth’s mission is to empower youth globally to create sustainable development solution and be the driving force of the 2030 Agenda.
In January 2017, SDSN Youth launch one of its flagship initiatives, the Youth Solutions Report platform, to address the difficulties that young SDG innovators face in securing funding, building capacity, communicating their experience, and ultimately scaling their efforts.
Through its activities and initiatives, which benefit from SDSN’s network of institutional partners, experts, private companies and media outlets, SDSN Youth facilitates the dissemination of promising youth-led solutions, giving them additional fora to showcase their work and opportunities to draw interest from potential supporters. In turn, this helps investors, donors and supporters better understand the multi-faceted role of young people in the 2030 Agenda.
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Cooperation on various events, publications, etc.
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United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
The Graduate Institute’s Programme for the Study of International Governance and the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), together with student co-authors, submitted a joint entry for the competition on Remodeling Global Cooperation.
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