Liliana B. Andonova
Liliana B. Andonova
Political Science / International Relations
All SDGsTopics:
Engagement with business & non-state actors | Multilateral Governance | Financing the SDGs | Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGsEvents:
Are Global Partnerships Effective in Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals? | Book launch: Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global GovernanceNews:
Institute wins SNIS grant to research public-private partnerships | Effectiveness of Partnerships: Florence hosts 2nd academic partners meeting | ‘Does successful emissions reduction lie in the hands of non-state rather than state actors? ‘ | Clean Energy & the Hybridization of Global Governance | Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global Governance | Book Launch: Partnerships for Sustainability in Contemporary Global GovernancePublications:
Governance Entrepreneurs – International Organizations and the Rise of Global Public-Private Partnerships | ‘Does successful emissions reduction lie in the hands of non-state rather than state actors? ‘ | Transferring technologies : the polycentric governance of clean energy technology | The power of the public purse financing of global health partnerships and agenda setting for sustainability | Special issue the comparative politics of transnational climate governanceResearch:
Effectiveness of Partnerships for Advancing the SDG: Behavioural Pathways and Impacts | Accountability of International Organizations | Access to Clean Energy for the Green Economy in Developing Countries | Socializing Markets: Business and Human Rights | The Domestic Politics of Transnational Climate Change Governance | Transnational Climate Change Governance | Beyond Conflict: Alternative Social Responses to Climate Change | Governance Entrepreneurs, International Organizations and Public-Private Partnerships | Effectiveness of Partnerships for Advancing the SDGs: Behavioural Pathways and Impacts
Jean-Louis Arcand
Jean-Louis Arcand
International Economics, International Development
Gopalan Balachandran
Gopalan Balachandran
International History
All SDGsTopics:
Multilateral GovernanceEvents:
War in UkraineNews:
Visible and Invisible Inequalities | Graziella Moraes Silva and Gopalan Balachandran are the new co-directors of the Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy | Revisionism, revanchism, and the war in Ukraine | Town Hall: War in Ukraine
Aditya Bharadwaj
Aditya Bharadwaj
Anthropology and Sociology of Development
Thomas Biersteker
Thomas Biersteker
Political Science / International Relations
All SDGsTopics:
Financing the SDGs | Overall Agenda 2030 & the SDGs | Monitoring & review processes | Regional--national & local policies | Multilateral GovernanceEvents:
Financing the United Nations Development System | Introducing the Graduate Institute’s SDG Portal | From intergovernmental to multi-stakeholder governance: Tracing the effects of IO financing reforms | From Science to Practice: Strengthening Research Uptake to Achieve the SDGs | Programming world politics? The ‘appfication’ of global governance | Report launch: Enhancing Due Process in UN Security Council Targeted Sanctions Regimes | Perspectives on Ukraine, Russia, and the Future of the International CommunityExternal Initiatives:
From Science To Practice: Research And Knowledge To Achieve The SDGsNews:
Improving the Effectiveness of the EU Cyber Sanctions Regime | Informal governance in world politics | Sanctions Relaxation and Conflict Resolution: Lessons from Past Sanctions Regimes | New Report: UN Individual Sanctions Listing and Delisting Patterns and Their Interaction with Autonomous Measures: Considerations for MediatorsResearch:
United Nations Reform and EffectivenessExternal Initiatives:
Genève Internationale
Julie Billaud
Julie Billaud
Anthropology and Sociology of Development
Riccardo Bocco
Riccardo Bocco
Anthropology and Sociology of Development
Dealing with the Past and Transitional Justice: Comparative Perspectives | Cinéma et Migrations en Méditerranée | Life Behind Bars: Comparative Perspectives on Carceral Experiences Between the Middle East and Latin America | Screening the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Competing and Complementary Narratives through Cinematic Representations
Nicole Bourbonnais
Nicole Bourbonnais
International History
Women’s Rights in Latin America | Human Love and Human Suffering: Family Planning, Humanitarianism, and Medical History Melodrama | Mr. Gay Syria | Accountability for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian Settings | Women and Children as Sites of Intervention: Past, Present, FutureNews:
Unsafe in Your Own Home: Violence against Women and the Politics of Domination | Global Impact of Roe v Wade being OverturnedTeaching:
Gender and International Affairs
Gian Luca Burci
Gian Luca Burci
International Law
Pathogen and benefit-sharing: Where next in the global governance of outbreaks? | Normative Tools for Global Health Security: the International Health Regulations and Beyond | Backsliding or building beyond Covid-19? An introduction to the Resumed 73rd WHA | Global Health governance at the crossroads: An introduction to the 74th World Health Assembly | Negotiating a Pandemic Treaty: What’s at Stake? | International Roles and Rules in Detecting and Responding to Outbreaks | Averting a collision course? Beyond the pandemic instrument and the International Health RegulationsPublications:
The legal determinants of health harnessing the power of law for global health and sustainable development | Global health law present and future | Health and infectious disease | Research handbook on global health law | Financing the World Health Organization what lessons for multilateralism? | The World Health Organization at 70 challenges and adaptation : introductory notes
Julia Cajal Grossi
Julia Cajal Grossi
International Economics