At the Graduate Institute multiple professors, researchers and students work on SDG 6. We offer an Executive Certificate and Master on Environmental Governance and Policy Making, in addition to academic courses. We also hold various events and have published multiple academic and policy-oriented articles on this topic. The Centre for International Environmental Studies serves as a hub of activity on this topic.

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making

The Role of Science in the Resolution of Disputes regarding International Water Resources

Operationalizing the Notion of Ecosystem Approach in International Law in the Age of Planetary Boundaries

Action Days for the SDGs – SDGs and Impact Investing

Drip Irrigation and Agroecological Farming in Burkina Faso

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making

Europe’s Role in Strengthening Polio Resilience : Linking health systems and health security

Peak Water: the Future of Water Resources from Glaciated Mountains

Geneva Energy Conversations: Fossil Fuels in Sustainable Energy Systems

Vegetable gardening in Burkina Faso: Drip irrigation and agroecological farming in light of the diversity of smallholders

Food Security, Right to Food and Food Sovereignty
Discover more SDGs
View more“Water and sanitation are at the very core of sustainable development, critical to the survival of people and the planet. Goal 6 not only addresses the issues relating to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, but also the quality and sustainability of water resources worldwide” as put by the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. Read more about Goal 6