At the Graduate Institute, more than ten professors, researchers and students work on SDG 8. Their work ranges from academic courses on work, labour and practice, to research projects, such as a project examining skills development policies and Information Communication Technologies, as well as academic and policy-oriented publications and events. We also offer an Executive Master in Development Policies and Practices.

The Gig is Up: It’s Time to Democratise Digital Platforms

Finance and Development

Participatory Resource Management, Elite Capture and Local Livelihoods: Experimental Evidence from Rural Ethiopia

Governing capital, labor, and nature in a changing world

Women in Political Leadership and the Glass Labyrinth

The Future of Work Summit 2022: Youth Thinking Ahead

The future of work in the post-Covid-19 digital era

Stakeholder priorities for a forward-looking WTO agenda on environmental sustainability and trade

Accelerating achievement of the sustainable development goals

The Forum on Trade, Environment and the SDGs (TESS) Launch Statement

Capitalism, COVID-19… and then?
Discover more SDGs
Goal 8 aims to sustain economic growth, while at the same time making it inclusive and sustainable. The UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform places the focus in its progress report on “increasing labour productivity, reducing the unemployment rate, especially for young people, and improving access to financial services and benefits are essential components of sustained and inclusive economic growth”. Read more about Goal 8