A number of professors, researchers and students work on SDG 7 at the Graduate Institute. We offer academic courses, and an Executive Certificate and Master on Environmental Governance and Policy Making. We also hold various events and have published multiple academic and policy-oriented articles on this topic. The Centre for International Environmental Studies serves as a hub of activity on affordable and clean energy.

The Sustainable City Promoter

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making Q&A

How Solar Energy Became Cheap: A Model for Low-Carbon Innovation

Crowdfunding Cleantech startups – CIES Policy Brief 11

From Research to Policy: The Influence of Our Work on the 2024 Economic Report of the President

NRP73 “Financing Investments in Clean Technologies” Third Partners Meeting

International Political Economy

‘Does successful emissions reduction lie in the hands of non-state rather than state actors? ‘

Political Economy of International Energy

La seconde vie des puits de pétrole

Energy Transition and Global Tax Reform: Boosting Africa(s) on the Rise?
Discover more SDGs
View moreGoal 7 aims at increasing energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy, while also underlining that “energy is crucial for achieving almost all of the Sustainable Development Goals, from its role in the eradication of poverty through advancements in health, education, water supply and industrialization, to combating climate change” as put by the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. Read more about Goal 7