More than 20 professors, researchers and students focus their work around SDG 5 at the Graduate Institute. This work entails consultancy work for UN Women, research projects, such as the DEMETER project on Gender, Land and the Rights to Food. We additionally offer a variety of academic and executive education courses. The Gender Centre serves as a research hub on gender at the Graduate Institute.

Favorisez l’intégration du genre dans le monde du développement

Contact Tracing Apps: Extra Risks for Women and Marginalized Groups

Struggling With Care: Feminist/Queer Insights on COVID-19 as Socio-Ecological Crisis

The Gender Binary in International Sporting Regulations: Legal gender categories as producers of (in)equalities in sports

Exploring privilege through feminist gender training

Meanings of Empowerment: Black Feminism and Entrepreneurship in Development Programmes in Brazil

WHS 2017: Equitable Access to Universal Health Coverage & Care

Fighting attacks on Gender Studies and sexuality education using human rights instruments

Taking a Gendered Bottom-up Approach to Peacebuilding

What is a Peacekeeper? Social Constructions, Power Relations, and Protection in the context of MINUSMA

Género y Desarrollo FAQ
Discover more SDGs
Goal 5 highlights that gender inequality persists worldwide, depriving women and girls of their basic rights and opportunities. “Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls will require more vigorous efforts, including legal frameworks, to counter deeply rooted gender-based discrimination that often results from patriarchal attitudes and related social norms” as put by the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. Read more about Goal 5