At the Graduate Institute more than a dozen professors, researchers and students work on SDG 3. The Global Health Centre serves as a research hub on various aspects of global health governance, and publishes academic and policy-oriented articles. We offer an academic dual Master degree in Global Health and International Affairs/ Development Studies, and various Executive courses on Global Health Diplomacy, Drug Policy, Diplomacy and Public Health, Global Health Instruments, Health Diplomacy and Migration, among others.

Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge 2019

Opening up a dialogue between reproductive technologies

Latin American Politics in the Pandemic: Brazil

Using financial analysis to unpack drug development trajectories

COVID-19 and Food Security

Shrinking Space for SRHR and Civil Society: How Can NGOs Reclaim their Space?

Addressing the Ongoing Violence Against Health Care in Conflict and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Development Economics

Healthcare and Climate Change: Victim or perpetrator?

The Gospel of Birth Control: Prophets, Patients, and the Transnational Family Planning Movement

Latin American politics in the pandemic
Discover more SDGs
Goal 3 seeks to “ensure health and well-being for all, at every stage of life. The Goal addresses all major health priorities, including reproductive, maternal and child health; communicable, non-communicable and environmental diseases; universal health coverage; and access for all to safe, effective, quality and affordable medicines and vaccines. It also calls for more research and development, increased health financing, and strengthened capacity of all countries in health risk reduction and management” as the UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform highlights. Read more about Goal 3.