At the Graduate Institute several professors, researchers and students work on SDG 14. Their activities range from academic courses on international environmental institutions and the Executive Master on Environmental Governance, to publications, consultancies and events.

2030 DFS | Could Better Data Contribute To Making Peace With Nature?

Accelerating achievement of the sustainable development goals

Climate Indicators and Sustainable Development: Demonstrating the Interconnections

Innovative Approaches to Tackling Illegal Fishing

Market Measures for Sustainable Fishing

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making Q&A

CIES Publications News | September 2022

Réconcilier les hommes avec la vie sauvage

A Social-Ecological Framework for Assessing Effective and Just Conservation of Intact Areas Under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

Sustainability Initiative Days – 17-21 October 2022

Operationalizing the Notion of Ecosystem Approach in International Law in the Age of Planetary Boundaries
Discover more SDGs
Goal 14 aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform highlights that the “increasingly adverse impacts of climate change (including ocean acidification), overfishing and marine pollution are jeopardizing recent gains in protecting portions of the world’s oceans”. Read more about Goal 14