The Graduate Institute serves as a hub for research and activity on climate change and action. We offer an Executive Certificate and Master on Environmental Governance, and various PhD and MA academic courses. We also hold events and have produced academic and policy publications on this topic. The Centre for International Environmental Studies serves as a research centre on climate action. Our researchers also consult with organisations in the policy world, including the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

Katja Doose’s article on the scepticism of Russian Climate Science

A Legal Analysis of Carbon Leakage Policies

Climate change research during the late Cold War

Taking up the task of democratic oversight for climate (in)action

New Zealand’s Approach to Climate Change Policy

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making

Letting External Norms in: How Do Courts Behave When Reviewing Environmental Norms?

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making Q&A

Let’s Think Beyond Kyoto, Paris and Social Movements: The Legal Responsibility of Industries for Climate Change


Biodiversité: entre science et politique
Discover more SDGs
View moreClimate change presents the single biggest threat to development, and its widespread, unprecedented impacts disproportionately burden the poorest and most vulnerable. The UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform stresses that “urgent action to combat climate change and minimize its disruptions is integral to the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”. Read more about Goal 13.