Multiple professors, researchers and students work on SDG 11 at the Graduate Institute. Their work includes academic and policy-oriented publications, events and research projects. We also offer Executive Master degrees in Environmental Governance, and Development Policies and Practices, and an academic Master degree in Development Studies.

Sustaining Peace in the City

Lead Development in Times of Crisis!

Democratizing urban local government

Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography

From Science to Practice: Strengthening Research Uptake to Achieve the SDGs

Environmental Governance & Policy-Making

Decongesting African Cities: Rural and Urban Development Must Go Together

A green recovery plan for Israel

Why the ICRC should think twice about its work on urban violence

The Impact of COVID-19 on Cities

Strange Natures: conservation in the era of synthetic biology
Discover more SDGs
Goal 11 aims to improve urban planning and management which is needed to make the world’s urban spaces more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. The UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform stresses that “rapid urbanization has brought enormous challenges, including growing numbers of slum dwellers, increased air pollution, inadequate basic services and infrastructure, and unplanned urban sprawl, which also make cities more vulnerable to disasters”. Read more about Goal 11.