External Initiatives (Partnerships & Networks)

UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Youth

SDSN Youth is the global youth chapter of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, launched in 2012 by Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon and directed by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. With a global team of over 100 students and young professionals, and a membership base of 300+ organisations, SDSN Youth’s mission is to empower youth globally to create sustainable development solution and be the driving force of the 2030 Agenda.

In January 2017, SDSN Youth launch one of its flagship initiatives, the Youth Solutions Report platform, to address the difficulties that young SDG innovators face in securing funding, building capacity, communicating their experience, and ultimately scaling their efforts.

Through its activities and initiatives, which benefit from SDSN’s network of institutional partners, experts, private companies and media outlets, SDSN Youth facilitates the dissemination of promising youth-led solutions, giving them additional fora to showcase their work and opportunities to draw interest from potential supporters. In turn, this helps investors, donors and supporters better understand the multi-faceted role of young people in the 2030 Agenda.