External Initiatives (Consultancies)

The Sustainable City Promoter

I lead an initiative at the European level, called the “Sustainable City Promoter”, about railway stations and their link with the city. Based on an innovative concept for sustainable train stations I’ve developed, it gives stations a new role of urban elements and city’s infrastructures with the potential of addressing climate change, social and economic issues, becoming in this way the catalysers of Sustainable, Smart and Inclusive cities.
The work I’m carrying out is to develop a collaborative, European-wide common methodology and business models for the design, construction, maintenance and management of railway stations as socio-technical systems operating simultaneously: as a city’s technical ‘greening engine’ for the surrounding environment and as new urban element aggregating multiple services fully integrated with energy-efficient and socially inclusive mobility. There are some Railway Companies of European Countries involved in this initiative, and also Cities institutions. Moreover, our goal is to work with the EU Institutions and other EU-Funded projects.